While table tennis is not a contact sport, players can overextend themselves and there is a risk of chronic injuries from too much practice and play. The most common injuries associated with table tennis include carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff tendinitis, lower back pain, wrist and hand sprain or tendinitis. Ankle sprain, tennis elbow, knee injuries and calf strains are also common injuries associated with table tennis.

Overall conditioning is a must for every table tennis player as this will help reduce injuries during training and competition. Conducting a proper warm-up session before and between games is an effective injury prevention strategy as is cooling down properly after training and competition. Strong muscles will prevent injuries caused by the constant change in direction and explosive movements and good cardiovascular endurance will help delay the onset of fatigue. Additionally, a thorough flexibility training program will reduce injuries from tight and inflexible muscles and it is a must that you use the right equipment including the right pair of shoes and table tennis racket. 

The right stretches will not only improve athletic performance, they will also prevent sports injuries as well. Stretching is very effective and this simple step will make a very big difference. There are a lot of stretches you can do and completing them properly will ensure you don’t get hurt. Knowing where to start will allow you to have fun and the following are the 3 best stretches for table tennis:

1. Assisted Reverse Chest and Shoulder Stretch

Stand upright with your back towards a table or bench and place your hands on the edge. Bend your arms and slowly lower your entire body. 

2. Rotating Wrist and Forearm Stretch

Place one arm straight out in front and parallel to the ground and then rotate your wrist down and outwards. Use your other hand to further rotate your hand upwards. 

3. Single Heel-Drop Upper Calf Stretch

Stand on a raised object or step and put the ball of one foot on the edge of the step and keep your leg straight. Allow your heel to drop towards the ground. 

Always move slowly as you get into the stretch position and do this until you feel tension. If you ever feel pain or discomfort, it’s a sign that you have pushed the stretch too far and you must back out of the stretch right away. Discomfort means you are doing the stretch incorrectly which will make it both painful and ineffective. 

Once you get into the proper stretch position, hold it for 20 to 30 seconds while relaxing and breathing deeply and come out of the stretch carefully and perform it on the opposite side if necessary. Repeat these stretches 2 or 3 times. 

If you are looking for table tennis near Markham, King Square Sports Centre is the perfect place to play! Whether you love ping pong or want to get into table tennis, you can come to our centre to play and you can contact us at any time for more information!